• Tutor/s Kashyap Mevada | Milind Mistry
  • TA Aarjavi Mehta
  • Code AR2043
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Level L2 Studio Unit


Vernacular architecture has gone through a long evolution process based on location, climatic conditions, people’s lifestyle, economy, available local materials, and skills. It is a huge knowledge bank in itself. Careful observations and analysis of these vernacular built structures can help us decode & understand the pragmatic approaches towards space utilization, climatic conditions, contextual response, and economic aspects of the structure. The focus of the program is to help the students decode vernacular architecture through documentation. The students will be documenting a vernacular structure and thereby analyzing its spatial planning, building elements, facade, construction materials, and joinery details. Sketching, and Measure-Drawing is great tools through which one can observe and analyze structures and their elements. The end product is to design a contemporary dwelling unit with the help of learning from the above process combined with modern materials. The exploration of vernacular elements using modern materials shall derive a unique architectural response.