• Tutor/s Mrudula Mane | Ashna Patel
  • TA Juhi Bafna
  • Code CR4000
  • Faculty Architecture


Historic buildings, structures and architectural remains are important and irreplaceable material evidence of the past deserving all suitable efforts for their preservation. The Architectural Conservation studio aims to impart an understanding of historical, design and technical aspects of built heritage conservation. The studio will engage with real sites allowing students to comprehend the complex issues in historic building conservation and take well considered decisions. The studio exercise will entail thorough investigation of a chosen historic building or structure through research, documentation, analysis and condition assessment followed by exploration of possible conservation approaches, critical evaluation and decision making for design. The process will enable students to develop a well-informed conservation proposal integrating architectural design and structural interventions. In addition to regular studio sessions, the course will involve input sessions by invited experts and professionals from the field in order to enhance the students' understanding on selected topics pertaining to the process of architectural conservation.