Post-Covid Streets

  • Tutor/s Vrushti Mawani | Mariana Paisana
  • TA Arun Biswanath
  • Code UR3006
  • Faculty Planning


Post-CoVid public space governance has suddenly, unforeseeably and disproportionately impacted populations already vulnerable as a result of occupation, class, migration status, religion, gender, and other factors, that rely on urban public spaces for their basic needs (Mawani, 2020). These instances are likely to influence perception of and meanings attached to public space and its use. They raise critical questions for urban scholars and new challenges for urban designers and planners. How might hard mandates on physical distancing and hygiene influence the design and use of public space in urban India? How might inclusive public spaces be made possible in post-CoVid Indian cities? The studio focused on redesigning the corridor along Drive-In Road, Ahmedabad to create inclusive post-CoVid public spaces, based on information gathered through mapping real-time spatial conditions, along with (remote) consultations with NGOs and stakeholders. Students employed inclusive design approaches towards formulating a strategic masterplan as well as detailed design propositions for post-CoVid public spaces.