Urban insert: Making of a shared space

  • Tutor/s Mihir Bedekar
  • TA Kruti v Shah
  • Code UR2013
  • Faculty Planning


Cities are expanding at a rapid pace with large scale migration and unmitigated real estate growth. Distances between the residence and the workplace are ever increasing, causing commutes to become an integral part of the daily routine and also a major budgetary expense. This has led to a need for a public transport system which is cost effective and user friendly. Among the available options of modes of transport, the bus is the most prevalent, being economically feasible and using existing primary road network in the city. However, for the bus system to work efficiently there is a need for physical infrastructure such as waiting areas, signages and other amenities. This physical infrastructure in most cases needs to get built-in an existing urban fabric. Hence, these are urban objects that fulfil a certain function but can also facilitate and manipulate the daily activities of people living in the immediate neighborhood. The challenge here was to make a place that functions at both the unit level and neighborhood level through a back and forth design process.