• Tutor/s Kaulav Bhagat | Kireet Patel
  • TA Nidhi Ratani
  • Code FD4014
  • Faculty Design

"The field and the industry of furniture design today are initiating many systematic experiments of the design processes that explore varied design practices which fulfil the unique needs of contemporary times. The design fundamentals play a very important role in defining the need for the furniture, the making of the furniture and the poetics of the furniture in design experimentation. The studio focuses on a systematic inquiry into the fundamentals of the utility of the furniture, fundamentals of making the furniture and fundamentals of the future of the furniture with knowledge and skills to develop the basic ability for furniture design. The studio will explore methods of analytical documentation, design explorations in 2D and 3D drawings, models and prototyping as exercise outcomes. A sitting element will be developed and designed to detail out as part of the final studio outcome."