Dropbox - within the Social Context

  • Tutor/s Mili Parekh | Claire Reuter
  • TA Anjali Baby
  • Code ID4008
  • Faculty Design


The studio was divided in different parts equipping students with an ability to sensitively understand contextual scale in terms of urban interiors. In the first part, contextual study gave them an understanding of how to comprehend a given site, surrounding and user group. In proportion study, they learned to understand the scale and proportions of an insert in context of the neighbourhood. Site visits to existing container projects were carried out to gain better understanding of container’s reuse and adaptability. In program development, students learned methods to develop a client brief based on questioning ways of living and needs within the context. Then they constructed an appropriate program along with naming their box and testing it through the selected context (site/program). The ability to analyze, visualize and interpret information as relevant to space designing were covered under concept development and through the final design insert. Each part included new visualizations through different mediums. Students learned to represent their analysis, understanding and design concepts in the form of visuals, technical drawings and 3D renderings within the social context.