• Tutor/s Birva Joshi
  • TA Abhishek Bhatt
  • Code CT3015
  • Faculty Technology
  • Level L3 Studio Unit

"One of the objectives of traffic engineering is to design urban transport facilities such as intersections for safe, convenient undefined economic movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The design of urban intersections needs great care as they deal with a high volume of mixed traffic with several conflicting movements happening at once. The studio enabled students to understand road user characteristics, impacts of surrounding land use on traffic patterns, conflicting movements at an intersection, traffic data collection and analysis, pavement condition at intersection and vehicle flow theories at intersections along with how these factors will affect the geometric design, design of traffic control devices and level of service of intersections. Students have prepared physical mapping of intersections and applied theoretical understanding of geometric changes and level of service for intersection, warrants for provision and signal time design along with codal provision to analyze and redesign existing intersection. Using their understanding and exposure to design elements to provide an efficient and safe intersection acquired in-studio each student has selected, analyzed and designed intersections."