• Tutor/s Dipsha Shah | Devesh Shah
  • TA Nihal Patel
  • Code CT3018
  • Faculty Technology
  • Level L3 Studio Unit

India is a Developing country with 70% of its population yet to be covered with a water supply and sewage treatment facilities. The design of water treatment facilities, such as water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants for specific municipalities focusing on reusing and recycling reclaimed water, was considered a design problem in this studio. Students initially comprehended the treatment process and how the plants were constructed as a whole, components of plant, design criteria and guidelines. The water and sewage characteristics were analysed in the laboratory. Firstly, the design calculations were carried out manually to understand the concepts in depth and then Excel spreadsheets were used to design the treatment plant for a given location to each student considering different sophisticated treatment methods for different capacity of particular project. Along with plant layout drawings, hydraulic flow diagrams and general arrangement drawings, students also estimated the cost of the project.