• Tutor/s Jyoti Trivedi | Ganesh Devkar | Rajesh Ganatra
  • TA Keval Modi | Preet Sheth
  • Code CM4003
  • Faculty Technology

The construction project lifecycle comprises of phases like appraisal, procurement, construction, and operation and maintenance. This studio delved deeper into the execution phase. It aimed to groom the budding construction managers to observe, analyse and reflect on the construction processes performed at the construction sites. The concepts related to studio exercises were firstly discussed in the studio setting. Further, the students conducted these exercises in the realm of actual construction site and came back with analysis indicating the inefficiencies and wastage of resources at the construction sites owing to non-conformance to best practices. In the next stage, the students suggested the areas of improvements and reflected on their learnings. In a nutshell, this studio contributed to creation of futuristic construction managers, who are grounded in reality and aspire to create a better setting for construction.