Urban Expansion and Regeneration Planning Studio

  • Tutor/s Jignesh Mehta | Harsh Bhasin | Utkarsh Patel | Amit Gotecha
  • Code UP4001-2
  • Faculty Planning


Today majority of Indian cities are growing rapidly on their fringes, while the existing urban areas remain underutilized and ignored. While the macro level plans (DPs and Master Plans) provide overall framework for development, they cannot be successfully implemented without careful micro-level planning in both, green field and brown field areas. Micro-level planning requires detailed understanding of different layers including land, real-estate, environment, transport, infrastructure, cost and recovery etc. Success of these plans depend on identifying right type of development model and mechanisms, and using them in right manner. In this studio the students will learn various statutory and non-statutory micro-level planning mechanisms such as TPS, LAPs for CBD, TOD, Heritage, Smart City Area Based Development etc. They will also go beyond the conventional approaches to deliver plans that integrate multi-disciplinary aspects to result in high quality environment